Online Courses
"Your Educational Journey Starts Here"Certificate Training Courses
For Technicians and Non RN Personnel

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Basic 12 Lead ECG Interpretation Certificate Course (For Non-Nurse Healthcare Providers)
This class is an introduction to 12-Lead ECG interpretation for monitor technicians, EMS personnel and other healthcare providers who are responsible for assessing and monitoring cardiac patients in critical care units, telemetry units, emergency departments, and outpatient service areas. Content includes anatomy of a 12 Lead ECG; how leads record electrical activity traveling through the heart; normal and abnormal ECG waveforms and intervals; an easy way to determine the QRS axis and its clinical implications; recognition of right and left bundle branch blocks; ECG recognition, clinical significance, and common complications of anterior, inferior, posterior, lateral, and right ventricular infarction; and identification of myocardial ischemia, unstable angina, and non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome. Clinical examples and practice ECGs are used to reinforce learning.

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Basic Cardiac Arrhythmia Interpretation Certification Course (For Non-Nurse Healthcare Providers)
This course provides the basic knowledge and skills needed to interpret cardiac arrhythmias in any setting and is appropriate for monitor technicians, EMS personnel, nursing assistants, and medical students. Content includes: principles of cardiac anatomy and physiology related to the origin and electrical activation of the heart during normal and abnormal cardiac rhythms, an organized 5-step approach to rhythm interpretation, descriptions of each cardiac rhythm with examples and practice strips to reinforce learning, practice sessions and homework related to each topic area. Pharmacologic and electrical therapy is included for rhythms requiring treatment. The emphasis in this course is on rhythm strip interpretation and appropriate treatment for life-threatening arrhythmias.

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Arrhythmia Practice Questions
This product contains practice questions and rhythm strips to prepare you to confidently interpret cardiac arrhythmias. You can work through the questions at your own pace and get a comprehensive explanation for the correct answer to each question. Questions are presented in groups of 20 and explanations are available when all questions in a group are answered.
Please Note: There are no CE credits with this practice product.

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12 Lead ECG Practice Questions
This product contains practice questions and 12 Lead ECGs to prepare you to confidently interpret 12 Lead ECGs. You can work through the questions at your own pace and get a comprehensive explanation for the correct answer to each question. Questions are presented in groups of 20 and explanations are available when all questions in a group are answered.
Please Note: There are no CE credits with this practice product.
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Cardiovascular Nursing Education Associates
Exceptional Nurses, Exceptional Patient Care