Online Courses
"Your Educational Journey Starts Here"Advanced Continuing Education Programs

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12 Lead ECG Interpretation: Skills for Advanced Practice
This class is an introduction to 12-Lead ECG interpretation for acute and critical care nurses, APRNs, educators, monitor technicians, and physicians who are responsible for assessing and monitoring cardiac patients in critical care units, telemetry units, emergency departments, and outpatient service areas. Content includes anatomy of a 12 Lead ECG; how leads record electrical activity traveling through the heart; normal and abnormal ECG waveforms and intervals; an easy way to determine the QRS axis and its clinical implications; recognition of right and left bundle branch blocks; ECG recognition, clinical significance, and common complications of anterior, inferior, posterior, lateral, and right ventricular infarction; and identification of myocardial ischemia, unstable angina, and non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome. Clinical examples and practice ECGs are used to reinforce learning.
Please Note: This course is part of the Advanced Practice Package Learning Plan.

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Advanced Practice Package (NEW)
Cardiovascular nursing practice at an advanced level requires specialized knowledge and skills. This cardiovascular advanced practice package combines 5 key courses to equip cardiovascular APRNs to practice with excellence. This package is ideal for APRNs new to the cardiovascular specialty and for seasoned APRNs who want to both validate and challenge their knowledge and skills.
Included Courses:
- Comprehensive Cardiovascular Pharmacology
- Cardiac Intensive Beyond the Basics
- Cardiac Diagnostics Course
- Cardiac Arrhythmia Management
- 12 Lead ECG Interpretation: Skills for Advanced Practice

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Cardiac Diagnostics Course
Accurate diagnosis occurs with strong skills in history gathering, advanced physical assessment and the selection of appropriate diagnostic testing. This course will take you through a journey of learning and discovery as we discuss diagnostic testing used when presented with a patient with a possible cardiac disorder. From the evaluation of chest pain or a new murmur in the office to the evaluation of acute changes presenting in the Emergency Department or inpatient setting, this course will cover most of the common diagnostic tools used to move quickly and efficiently to a diagnosis that is achieved without unnecessary testing. The program will cover the most recent evidence-based guidelines on assessment of chest pain with stress testing, nuclear imaging with CT, MRI, or invasive cardiac angiography. Utilizing evidence-based guidelines throughout the course we will review many different cardiac disorders and discuss the decision making behind the right test at the right time. Case studies will enhance your learning journey. The new level of knowledge and skills gained will not only impact your confidence but with impact patient care decision making.
Please Note: This course is included in the Advanced Practice Package Learning Plan and part of the Institute of Excellence for Cardiac Essentials Learning Plan.

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Cardiac Intensive: Beyond the Basics
This 2-day program is a conference like no other cardiac conference. As the title implies, the course will go beyond the basics and take a deep dive into the nuances of cardiovascular disorders – giving new insights into common conditions and situations that may not be so common and creating awareness for problems often overlooked. This course will challenge you to look at physical assessment and diagnostics differently as you engage in enhanced learning. Advanced considerations with valvular heart disease, heart failure, cardiomyopathies and acute coronary syndromes will be discussed. This course includes a special section on The Connected Heart to address the impact of the brain, the lungs and the kidneys on CV disease. A section on arrhythmia recognition and treatment and obstructive shock states rounds out the course. This content is presented at an advanced level aligned with the advanced practice role. This program is also appropriate to enhance knowledge for all nurses wanting to be challenged in their practice.
Please Note: This course is included in the Advanced Practice Package Learning Plan.
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Cardiovascular Nursing Education Associates
Exceptional Nurses, Exceptional Patient Care